Thursday 4 April 2019

Programming. The Next World

If you read these lines, it's because you already know what a computer is. In any case, you know what it's for, and what it looks like. Here, now, we will explain how a computer works and the principles of programming.

This machine contains a lot of electronic components and also some mechanical components, fans, for example, to cool the whole.

You will find very well the screen, the mouse (or trackpad) and the keyboard.

You probably know less about others: it is less and less easy to open a computer to see what's inside. However, even if all the machines do not look exactly like the diagram above, all of them contain the indicated components.

In particular, the motherboard is composed
- of a microprocessor which executes what you ask of it
- of a RAM used by the programs during their executions,
- of several "cards", electronic components charged with a specific task. The graphics card manages the screen displays, the network card access to the Internet, as for the sound card, it's for the sound, of course!,
- and a hard disk that stores the data in the long run.

You can have multiple hard drives, it is safer to save what is on the computer in two different places. Indeed, hard drives do not have an eternal lifespan even if it is 3 to 4 years in general.

"The microprocessor executes what you ask him ..."
Ah, but it's great, you think! Yet, you've never seen a computer prepare your snack ....
In fact, it will only do what it was programmed for. But because they are programmed to do more and more things, some people think that soon computers will be able to do as many things as humans do. This is why we will dwell here on what it means to "program", you will realize for yourself that these people speak more science fiction than reality.

What is computer programming?

What does a computer program mean?

A program is a list of written instructions to solve a problem, or to perform an action.
For example, when you start the computer, a program called operating system begins. It allows to manage the display, and the execution of the other programs.
Then if you want to read a page of Kidisciences on the Internet, you need to open a navigation program, which will manage access to the Kidisciences website and the display of the site. It will communicate with the network card and the graphics card. There are several: Firefox, Safari, etc.
Also, when you want to watch the video at the end of the article, an image processing program and sound will be executed.
The programs are mainly used to manage information, transfer them, usually from the Internet to your screen, transform them and if necessary store them.

The term programming appeared before the first computers came into being, thanks to famous computer theorists Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), Charles Babbage (1791-1871) and Alan Turing (1912-1954) ( more information at the bottom of the article with links to videos and other articles) . Computers have, in fact, been created to run the programs. Better and faster.

Part of the analytical machine of Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace - ancestor of the computer. Science Museum London
Yes, they are much faster than us and are not prone to computational errors (even adults make miscalculations).

But to design software, you do not have to know how to program. Indeed, a software must be attractive, easy to use and easy to improve and adapt to other functions or new machines. So there is a lot of software design work, not only on the visual aspect but also on all programs to write:
How to break down into several "subprograms"?
Which programs for which functions?
What tests to make sure it's not going to crash?
What data is needed?
Can they be accessed by the user or should they be hidden?
It is about software engineering: it begins with the analysis of the different functions and necessities, then continues with the technical choices to finally finish with the programming.

Rather than programming, we sometimes say coding because programming consists of translating actions into language understood by the computer so that it can execute them.

What is a programming language?

With computers, powerful computing machines, appears another element: the programming language. These are words, a vocabulary and a grammar with which the program is written.
Machines are, as you have seen, only electronic components, they do not understand our language, so we must translate everything.
An instruction from an assembly language program , one of the oldest languages, looks like this:

movb 61,% al
This is a single line of a program that allows for additions.
This language is close to the machine because it is necessary to break down all the actions into very simple, elementary operations, which indicate to the processor exactly what to do. For example, this line of programming means that 61 must be stored at the place named "al".
You can imagine that the following lines are used to store the second number, to add these two values ​​and to store the result of the addition in a different place.
Yes, yes, this language is very technical, but it allows to control as much as possible the calculation of the machine!

The assembler is good for those who know how the computer is built, so they can make the most of it to write more efficient and fast programs. But in general, this language is quite complicated to read. And one of the first programming rules to respect is that you have to be able to read and understand a program that you wrote yourself a few months ago, or a few years ago!
So we created other languages ​​to be able to write complicated programs without getting lost. We have thus separated the source program, written and understood by the men, of the binary program which is the source program automatically translated for the computer. Yes, a program is responsible for translating the source program and managing memory and all those boring or hard-to-know things for the non-experts of the machine architecture.

But this is a long story: a hundred languages ​​have been created, each with its particularities ...:

Pff, it's complicated ...

No, it sounds complicated but it's very simple: a program is a sequence of instructions to follow for example to open a video on the Internet.

A programming language is used to communicate with the computer to execute the program effectively. The same program can be written in different programming languages, but some languages ​​facilitate certain actions or allow better management of complicated data structures.

Computer science = disciplines
We have discussed some of the computer disciplines:
- architecture, which is concerned with the electronic components of the computer,
- networks that manage external connections between computers, especially efficient transmission and security,
- development software, which is the development of successful programs, complex but usable by all.

It is also important to remember that all these disciplines are related. And since we do not find experts in everything, we have to work as a team!

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Smoking ??? Try 11 ways to stop it

stop smoking

It's the big day, you've decided to end the fingers that stink of cigarette smoke, stop making your money (literally) go up in smoke and simply: lead a healthier life.

We are not going to replay you the moralistic discourse that you probably hear from your very first years of smoking, but it is clear that stopping smoking is probably the best measure to take in terms of prevention against cancer.

Just remember that lung cancer is all the same:

nearly 50,000 new cases in 2017 for about 30,000 deaths
a survival rate of 17% at 5 years after diagnosis
the leading cause of death in France and around the world
And I leave it to Michel Cymes to remind you of the (harmful) effects of tobacco on the body:

As for us, we will see things with a little more cheerfulness, because we must not be fatalistic! Yes you smoke, yes you are addict, but it is not something irreversible, no matter how many cigarettes are on your counter, how many daily packets are burned, or how long you have been a smoker: you can Stop smoking, you are perfectly capable!

And you can even get help in this process.

How can your mutual help you in your decision to quit?
Because yes, you can receive help elsewhere than in call centers and with your loved ones, and often, we do not think enough! Your mutual, for example, may offer support options.

Mutual for example offers the following panel:

a treatment of drugs not reimbursed by the compulsory scheme for smoking cessation
the possibility of using a tobacco specialist AND the reimbursement of alternative methods to help stop smoking (you could try acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, hypnosis or sophrology depending on the level of guarantees chosen)
an online telephone coaching provided by a tobacco specialist
participation in a prevention and health promotion workshop (PPS workshop)
free relaxation classes for members with a sophrologist sensitive to the issues of each, which gives wellness techniques to use daily to manage his anxiety and other symptoms related to stopping smoking.
I'm not telling you it will be easy, because for most smokers, the urge to smoke can be very powerful. When such a need arises, keep in mind that as intense as it may be, however catastrophic the situation may be, the desire will probably pass within five to ten minutes, whether you smoke a cigarette or not.

Every time you resist a desire to smoke, you get a little closer to the final cessation of smoking.

11 tips to quit smoking

Methods to quit smoking, we count a lot, and everyone goes for his little trick. Solid, your uncle used the only force of the will, adventurous, your cousin, she was made hypnotized ...

Anyway, there are basically two ways:

stop the cigarette suddenly
gradually quit smoking or slowly reduce consumption, then permanently stop
Searches that compare the two methods show that they are equal, so choose the one that suits you best. For the next, here are now 10 anti-smoking tips to get in the best conditions and maximize your chances of success to end the nicotine, because it is she, your main enemy.

1. Call the reinforcements!
When you stop nicotine, the first thing to do is to inform your family and involve your friends in your decision-making (as well as your family, your colleagues, etc.). Not only will they help you, but you will then be afraid to disappoint them, so much so that you will think twice before succumbing to "one" cigarette.

Contacting a family member, friend or support group member for help is not ridiculous, it's a great help to resist a desire to smoke.

Chat on the phone, go for a walk together, share laughter or gather to sympathize with your cravings.

2. Give the Allen Carr method a chance

Under his airs "too beautiful to be true", the Allen Carr method is nevertheless diabolically effective. It is based on an awareness, a mental trigger that will make you understand that no, you do not need a cigarette in your life, that it is nicotine that makes you feel addicted, and that this addiction can be Fought in as little as 21 days of weaning!

This method is available in books, besides it is a bestseller who helps future ex-smokers to overcome the fears that keep them dependent on tobacco.

One study found that Allen Carr smokers were six times more likely to have smoked after 13 months than those who smoked after 13 months.

In addition to the book, I invite you to learn about the "live sessions" of the method. These are over 2 hours during which a trained speaker speaks to you and invites you, at some point, to smoke what will be your last cigarette ...

3. Avoid all "trigger"
You know them all too well, these intense cravings that occur in situations such as parties, after work with colleagues at the bar, or when you feel stressed or drink your good little coffee!

Your goal, identify these situations and set up a backup plan to avoid them completely, or overcome them without resorting to tobacco.

For the end-of-meal cigarette, for example, maybe you could change your food. In fact, an American study revealed that certain foods, including meat, make cigarettes more satisfying. Others, like cheese, fruits and vegetables, make cigarettes very bad. So, change your steak for a vegetarian pizza!

Also change your routines, for example, do the dishes immediately after you finish eating or sit in a non-smoking room.

Finally, keep this in mind: the tobacco / alcohol combination increases the risk of oral cancer by 38 times.

Avoid putting yourself in this situation by reducing your consumption of alcoholic beverages

4. Always try to delay the deadline
Are you about to crack and light this cigarette that would make you iron on the smoker side? Do you say that you must first wait another 10 minutes, then do something quick to distract you during this time. This simple trick can allow you to "hack" your brain.

Note that it is also usable when you want to buy a crap like a piece of cake. Push the deadline ("no, tomorrow Julie") and forget!

5. Just a little ...
No, no and no !

There is no "one cigarette" after quitting. Never be fooled into thinking that you can smoke from time to time just to be sociable or overcome a difficult time.

If you do, you will find yourself again as a nicotine slave.

6. Play sports!
This advice is almost obligatory! Stop smoking and play sports is the winning combination that generates a virtuous circle:

we stop smoking so we find breath
we find breath so we take pleasure in moving
we find pleasure to move and the perfs' increase, we stay motivated
fatally, we are much, much less attracted to cigarettes
Especially since physical activity helps to distract from cravings and reduce their intensity.

I do not ask you to register for a marathon, you can simply run several times in the week or just go out for a walk. A review of scientific studies has shown that exercise (even just a 5-minute walk) reduces cravings and can help your brain produce antidepressant chemicals.

If you are not interested in physical activity, try manual work, housework, or any new activity that may distract you.

But physical activity is still the most advisable, especially since smoking cessation usually corresponds to weight gain, what better than sport to counterbalance?

7. Practice relaxation techniques
If in the past, smoking could have been your "stress cure" (completely counterproductive by the way), you will have to deal with it now.

Resisting a desire to smoke can be stressful in itself. Relieve stress by practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, yoga, meditation or Tai Chi.

A study published in the Journal of Addiction and Therapy actually suggests that practicing Tai Chi three times a week is an effective way to help people "quit smoking or reduce bad habits."

On the other hand, Tai Chi improves blood pressure and reduces stress.

This kind of mind-body practice such as yoga, meditation or tai chi provides an ideal non-medicated treatment option for those trying to quit smoking.

8. Get it full of vitamins
Various studies have shown that smokers generally have lower concentrations of B vitamins and lower levels of vitamin C than non-smokers.

Smokers often cite stress as one of the triggers that increases the urge to smoke. B vitamins are known as "anti-stress" vitamins and can help balance mood.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the lungs from oxidative stress caused by cigarette smoke. Therefore, taking supplements of these vitamins can eventually help stop smoking. The best thing is to draw these vitamins from your food.

9. Use your phone

Then, some apps can help track down and reduce cigarette consumption.

It's possible to acquire healthy habits by repeating healthy actions consistently, and there are a variety of free apps that can help you track your progress.

These applications often use the principle of gamification , which challenges you and puts your smoking cessation for a game you must triumph, keeping you motivated all the way. This is the case of the application Kwit , which in addition, presents you graphically all your stats since you are a Kwitter: number of cigarettes not smoked, money saved and longevity earned!

I highly recommend reading this article on the top 10 anti-smoking apps .

10. Remember why you do it
Write or say loudly why you want to quit smoking and resist cravings, especially if you are craving for cravings.

It can be:

feel better, healthier
to save your children from passive smoke
to save money
enjoy a better quality of sleep
do not be out of breath at the slightest effort
have a good breath at all times
have clothes that do not stink
conquer this girl (or this boy) non-smoker (smoker)

11. If nothing works, try medication

In addition to the classic nicotine substitutes, there is a drug whose name often comes up when it comes to quitting, it is Champix (varenicline).

The drug has had ups and downs and debates, going from being a refunded to a non-refundable drug and then being reimbursed again by 65% ​​in 2011.

This medicine seems rather indicated for:

smokers who are highly addicted to cigarettes
people who do not support nicotine substitutes
to those who have already suffered several failures in the past
Note that Champix seems to be the most effective pharmaceutical treatment on the market according to this 2016 study published in The Lancet. However, it is not without side effects and you should talk to your doctor / tobacco specialist before starting a Champix weaning because it requires medical attention.

Remember that it is always better to try to conquer envy than to do nothing. And every time you resist a craving for tobacco, you get a little closer to the total ban on smoking.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

1000$ or more from Blogging ✋✋✋

Making money with your blog is a dream shared by many people. And, if you're there, maybe it's yours too?

This blog that you have launched on a theme that you are passionate about can bring you money . So let's look together at the different ways at your disposal to achieve this.

Make money with your blog thanks to the affiliation
First of all, what is affiliation? 🤔

If you are not yet familiar with this concept that monetizes your audience, here is the summary:

An advertiser or merchant wants to sell one of its products to a wider audience and offers a commission to a website publisher, which is called an affiliate. The latter installs, on his blog and / or his social networks, a link pointing to a page of the merchant . Whenever a visitor follows this link and buys the product or service, the affiliate collects his commission.

This technique allows you to monetize your audience without too much work and with a fairly simple implementation . You need to promote this product or service to reach more people. It should preferably be related to the needs of your audience.

Affiliate links on your blog
It is for this reason that this solution is strongly used when you have a blog and you want to make money. Of course, everything will depend on the amount of the commission you will receive. Depending on the merchant and the product or service, this can range from 10% ( Amazon Partner Program ) to 70% when selling, for example a digital book, on some platforms dedicated exclusively to affiliation.

You understand it, it can be physical products sold on a commercial site such as books, clothes, electronic products, etc ... But also digital products such as ebooks or training. In any case, you must make sure that the product you are selling is really interesting for your audience . Otherwise, you will not fizzle if your advice is only to fill your pockets!

On the other hand, it is well seen to be informed that these are affiliate links not to make your readers feel deceived. 😠

Revenues for your blog thanks to sponsored articles
Everything depends on the theme of your blog, but it is likely that it interests a company that wants to increase its visibility .

You can write, on order, an article that details a product or service of that company for a certain amount. It can be a sponsored product test or the presentation of a solution. In order to remain in the legality and to be transparent to your visitors, you must indicate that this article is sponsored

Sell ​​advertising space

You have the possibility of making contact, either with advertising boards, or directly with merchants, to offer them an advertising insert on your homepage. You can set the amount of the inset but also the duration of its appearance on your blog.

In order for your offer to be attractive enough, you must have an audience and qualified visitors. You will certainly need to provide figures and statistics from your blog in order to get compensation for this optimal advertising space.

The more data you have about your visitors, the more value and credibility you will bring to your proposal. 💹

Go through Google Adsense for advertising

Adsense is Google's advertising network service . It allows you to place on your blog, filtered and broadcast advertising by the giant Mountain View.

It will be a set of banner ads, in the form of clickable text or banner even animated. The choice of the advertisement does not depend on you, but on Google who makes the decision of the content to appear according to the themes addressed on your blog, your visitors and many other criteria that this secretive jealously keeps.

You have nothing to do, but you do not control much. You do not really know how much an ad will bring you, nor the product that it will boast. Google's robots will analyze all this for you and decide which ads to display. Of course, if one of the ads does not suit you, you can choose to hide it from your visitors.

Adsense is a reference in the solutions offered to make money with his blog, because it is a passive income. As soon as you reach 100 dollars, you receive a payment ... But note that few blogs manage to really earn more than a small savings by this means. 👛

Cash in your skills with your blog

You have developed a particular skill? Are you a service provider in digital ? Consultant? Coach?

You can put forward your knowledge and propose it to the audience of your blog for a fee. In order to reach as many people as possible, you need to create qualified content on your blog that will demonstrate your talent.Thus, your articles will be the best demonstration of your abilities. Your reputation as a professional will grow with your blog, and vice versa.

Create and sell your product or service on your blog

It is, without a doubt, the one who can "easily" (😂) bring you the most consistent income.

You wrote a book, set up a training  ? Do you want to sell a method of coaching health, sport, personal development?

There are lots of areas, if you have the skills, that can become a product or service to monetize. This requires a certain amount of work initially. You must be qualified in the offer you want to sell on your blog. But this can bring you a nice income supplement and, who knows, maybe even make a living with your blog . What to remember to earn money through his blog
There are many ways to make money with your blog . As you can see, some are asking for little investment from you. They will only rarely bring you the fabulous sums you may dream of.

Do not be fooled: if you want to make money with your blog, you will have to - a lot - work for it!

Indeed, by putting yourself seriously, you can get a source of income from your blog, but it can take a very long time to become sufficient. It's up to you to make the right choices. Train yourself seriously in a specific area to offer visitors to your blog the best offer. If you are a reference in your niche, things will be much easier ...

Monday 1 April 2019

Drugs," I'm killing you people".

Parents who suspect that their teen is taking drugs may have difficulty recognizing the physical symptoms of intoxication . They may also be concerned about the short and long-term effects that consumption may have on the body and brain of their offspring. Dependence, decreased appetite, memory loss, depression, toxic psychosis ... it is not always easy to navigate when it comes to associating substances with their possible consequences. This is why it is interesting to clarify things, explaining how drugs act on the brain , what are the consequences of sustained consumption and, also, what can be the visible signs to identify a user.

1. Cannabis
Cannabis, when smoked, produces almost instantaneous effects on the brain. When incorporated into a food preparation, the effect is longer to be felt and the waiting period can last about an hour.

The person with cannabis poisoning may have various symptoms: redness of the eyes, spontaneous laughter, slight motor difficulties and reaction time above normal.

It is common that, some time after the absorption of the substance, the user feels an intense hunger, because cannabis can cause hypoglycemia. Occasionally, more disruptive side effects may occur: paranoia, anxiety, hallucinations, or disorientation are among them.

Cannabis may be moderately addictive in rare consumers and its long-term use may have adverse effects. This drug, when consumed regularly, can give rise to a motivational syndrome. In other words, the abusive consumer will become apathetic, passive. His interests and ambition will diminish and his academic or professional performance will be affected.

In addition, prolonged use of this drug may cause deficits of attention, concentration or memory lapses. Some cannabis smokers will also experiment with so-called flashbacks, that is, they will see symptoms of poisoning reappearing days or weeks after cessation of consumption. Some consumers will experience a marked decrease in their libido.

Since cannabis is generally smoked, it can, in the long term, cause cardiovascular problems similar to those caused by tobacco consumption, especially since it contains more tar than this one.

The effects of cannabis withdrawal are generally minimal.

2. Cocaine

Cocaine is a major stimulant of the central nervous system. It carries strong risks of dependence, risks that will be increased if the consumer injects drugs or smoke (in the form of crack or free base).

Cocaine causes intense euphoria in the consumer, mainly because of its action on dopaminergic neurons, which are responsible for sensations of pleasure. This drug also allows the consumer to remain awake, including causing a rapid increase in norepinephrine.

A person who has taken cocaine will be euphoric, often very loquacious and unusually energetic. Cocaine causes dilated pupils, increased heart rate, and sometimes nervous tics. People who consume regularly may experience significant weight loss due to the anorexigenic effect of the substance. Smokers may develop mouth wounds and cavities, while intranasal users will often have problems with congestion or runny nose. Following an episode of consumption, the user often falls into a depressive state and can present a great anxiety and sleep disorders.

In the long term, sustained cocaine use can cause depletion of the user's neurotransmitter reserve; he may have difficulty feeling pleasure (anhedonia) because his brain no longer produces enough dopamine. This is one of the reasons why it can be difficult to give up cocaine.

In addition, cocaine use may be associated with a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections; consumers are more likely to engage in risky sexual activity.

Overdose with cocaine will cause heart problems, respiratory depression and convulsions. Cocaine is the drug that causes the most deaths from overdose.

3. Amphetamines

The symptoms of amphetamine intoxication are often very similar to those that characterize the cocaine consumer. Both drugs belong to the same category (major stimulants) and stimulate the same neurotransmitters, even if the mechanisms of action are a little different. Typically, young people consume amphetamine-type stimulants in tablet form, hence orally. The effects may take a while to appear; if the drug is injected, sniffed or smoked, the results are faster and more intense. Amphetamines can be highly addictive.

Amphetamine use has the effect of increasing energy, increasing the ability to perform simple tasks normally affected by fatigue, giving an impression of greater physical strength and mental acuity, and causing euphoria.

People on amphetamines will have dilated pupils and a dry mouth, will sometimes have tremors and their breathing may be faster.

Sustained consumption of amphetamines will often result in weight loss, although it has been observed that tolerance to the anorectic effect can develop rapidly. Finally, consumers of this type of substance are at risk of experiencing toxic psychosis, a state characterized by hallucinations, delusions of grandeur or persecution, and hostile or even violent behavior. If the psychotic episode does not usually last more than a few days, it may be prolonged, mainly in people with psychiatric disorders.

4. MDMA / Ecstasy

Since MDMA has a chemical structure similar to that of amphetamines, consumers may exhibit similar effects (euphoria, wakefulness, etc.), although less pronounced. However, the dependence potential of MDMA is lower. Moreover, this drug having hallucinogenic properties, it has effects that do not have other amphetamine derivatives in that it acts on perceptions and promotes sensual behaviors and generates the need to get closer to others, to communicate. The side effects of MDMA are generally felt to be unimportant.

They include pupil dilation, intense thirst, sweating, increased heart rate, mild motor tics, and urinary retention. Paradoxically, MDMA, the drug of love, often has the effect of reducing libido and impairing sexual arousal and reaching orgasm.

The long-term consumer may become depressed, lose weight and develop skin problems.

5. GHB
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate is a depressant of the central nervous system in the same way as alcohol.

Its acute effects at the usual doses are very similar to those presented by someone who has drunk too much. Approximately ten minutes after having absorbed a usual dose of GHB, most often orally, the consumer will be uninhibited, carefree, sometimes euphoric.

This drug, at higher doses, can induce drowsiness and interfere with the coordination of movements. It can also cause memory loss and dizziness that can last up to a few days after an episode of consumption. It should be noted, however, that the effects of GHB are unpredictable because it is impossible for the consumer to know the concentration and composition of the product he absorbs. Combined with alcohol, its effects are increased tenfold, and it can easily cause unconsciousness; this property makes it a leading chemical submission drug. GHB can cause dependence and tolerance in cases of heavy and excessive consumption.

6. Ketamine

Ketamine is usually consumed intranasally.

The effects begin to be felt less than five minutes after taking and last between five minutes and one hour. With low doses, the user will feel slightly psychedelic effects and will have the impression of being in a dream. The highest doses cause dissociation and the disappearance of bodily sensations. The user may feel that he is no longer inside his body.

Side effects of ketamine include slurred speech, motor problems including temporary paralysis, reduced breathing rate, and increased blood pressure and heart rate. Given the way of consumption, it happens that users bleed nose.

Ketamine can cause memory lapses. Cases of overdose with ketamine are extremely rare. In addition, ketamine has not been shown to be addictive, but the opposite has not been demonstrated either.

Individuals who consume ketamine chronically may develop significant memory dysfunction, attention deficit disorders, and impaired vision. In addition, some studies using rats as guinea pigs have shown that ketamine can destroy brain cells in animals that have not completed their growth.

7. Hallucinogens (LSD and analogues)

It may be suspected that an individual has consumed hallucinogens when he appears disoriented and completely disconnected from reality. Tremor, chills, dilated pupils and coordination disorders can also be potential clues.

Hallucinogens, which include LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, do not appear to cause physical dependence. Some people may have a psychological addiction, but this is not the majority of consumers. However, hallucinogens can have undesirable side effects. The occurrence of bad travel, toxic psychosis lasting several months or the recurrence of intoxication effects in the days following consumption are among the possible consequences of the consumption of hallucinogens. Very high doses of these substances can cause seizures, hyperthermia or cardiac arrhythmia. The main physiological danger resulting from the consumption of hallucinogens is sadly related to their psychological effects;

8. Desomorphine or drug "Krokodil"

Deomorphine is a drug that is derived from morphine, a mixture of iodine, heroin, gasoline, paint remover, red phosphorus and codeine.

It was synthesized for the first time in the United States in the 30s. Abandoned quickly, it resurfaced in Russia in the early 2010s and is booming throughout the country under the name drug Krokodil. It is considered one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. She is three times cheaper than heroin, but is ten times more powerful.

The effects of deomorphine last three less than those of heroin, but are much more devastating. The drug "eats" the consumer's flesh and its skin becomes necrotic at the injection site, it becomes thick and greenish, which gave the name of the crocodile drug.

The nervous system of consumers is particularly attacked, they then suffer from motor disorders and language disorders. The appearance of gangrene is also a consequence, as well as a dysfunction of internal organs that causes death, if it is not caused by sepsis (blood infection). The bones of users can also be eaten, their legs severely mutilated.

According to the Center québécois de documentation en addiction "Researchers have found that there is really no scientific data on this topic and that current knowledge of the substance comes mainly from non-scientific sources."

9. The drug of the "seventh heaven"

It has a name that makes dream "seventh heaven", but its consumption is more of a nightmare. The generic name of this new synthetic drug of the "ecstasy" type is "bath salts". Its main component is mephedrone, a stimulant that belongs to the phenylethylamine family (such as MDMA and amphetamine).

It comes in the form of a white powder and can be consumed by inhalation, injection or smoking. Presented as a powder, mephedrone, its main component, is melted and then injected with a syringe. It acts directly on the central nervous system and causes, among other things, a rise in dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin.

According to Medical News Today , several symptoms are linked to the consumption of this drug:

  • Increased awakening
  • Temporary energy boost
  • agitation
  • Euphoria
  • Need to talk
  • Opening
  • Sexual appetite

After the effect of drunkenness and euphoria that lasts half an hour, the user feels hallucinations, depressive passages and nightmarish psychoses.

10. The oxi "drug of death"

Behind the word oxi lies a dreaded drug, much worse and more destructive than crack. It is a very young drug since it appears for the first time in 2003 in the state of Acre, Brazil. One of the peculiarities of this drug is that it can be prepared in a traditional way very easily. Oxi is obtained by oxidizing cocaine with virgin lime and a petroleum derivative such as kerosene.

It is a narcotic that makes its users dependent on the first shot and kills 30% from the first year of consumption. This term oxi is the diminutive of oxidado which translates to rusty in Portuguese.

Oxi is a derivative of cocaine that looks like a small yellow pebble. It is consumed with the help of an air pipe, one inhales the vapors. Unlike crack smoke, which is white, oxi smoke is grayer, crack leaves ashes, while oxi leaves an oily substance.


  • Headache
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • dejection
  • anxieties
  • Paranoia

Let's Improve, shall we?

If I told you that you could improve yourself in your field or in any field to 1000%. Will you believe me? 

 I'm sure that it's not the case ! And that's perfectly normal. On the other hand, if I told you that you can improve by 1%. I'm sure there you will believe me. I am sure you will believe that it is possible to improve even one per cent. Just ask yourself the following question: "What can I do that will improve the quality of my work or my results? " Everyone can just do one thing that will make it one percent better. Even a tiny thing. To improve by one percent, for example, in your job it is enough to do a little more, or to re-check your work one more time, or to come just 10 minutes in advance, or to learn how to manage your time, or get in the habit of planning your day, or just reading 10 or 15 minutes a day in your area of ​​business etc. Another example in the sport is to just run 5 minutes more each time or do one more repetition or increase the loads you carry by 2 kilos! Getting better by one percent is very easy. Just do something new that can improve the quality of your work or your results. It can be as simple as being more motivated or getting used to making your priorities. Just think a little about what is missing and can be improved. If it's easy to improve by one percent, then improve by 2% too. It's enough to do a new thing today that will make you better than 2%. Tomorrow, you just have to rest the same question: "What can I do that will improve my results?" Find this second thing to do and do it and boom you will be better than 2%. Now let's imagine that every day you improve by one percent. After 100 days or about three months, you will have improved by 100% just by improving by one percent each day. Of course, it would be a lot of work! Fortunately, you do not have to improve 100% or 1000% to perform better in one area. It depends on where you leave, but often you improve from 25 to 75% is more than enough to have good results or very good results in the field in which you want to improve. Sometimes it's just two or three things that you need to improve and that will make all the difference. Of course, this requires having a self-assessment process, knowing what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. But I think everyone can improve by one percent each day. When you are really bad, it's pretty simple to progress in yourself because most of the things you do hurt are obvious. So correcting some points in your way of working will be enough to become average or good. The difficulty to progress comes when you are average or already good. You have to find those little things that will make the difference. And it is not necessarily obvious! The question you need to ask yourself to improve constantly is: "What do I miss to get to the next level? This is a question that will follow you for a long time. In fact it does not matter which level you are leaving. It does not really matter. The most important thing is to find what you are doing wrong and to do it properly and boom you progress by one percent. After a while to reason in this way, you will progress 200% or more without even realizing it! Remember that just this little question can make you progress from 100 to 1000%! My question is therefore: "What can you improve that will help you get to the next level?"